A Beginner’s Guide to German Through Football: „At the Football Club (A1/2)“

A Beginner’s Guide to German Through Football: „At the Football Club (A1/2)“

Alex’s first day at Frankfurt United’s training ground is filled with anticipation and excitement. He’s eager to learn, both on the field and in his German language skills. This chapter emphasizes the use of present tense verbs like „spielen“ (to play) and „laufen“ (to run), and personal pronouns (ich, du, er, sie, es), integrating these into the context of football training. Alex’s journey is a relatable tale for anyone stepping into a new environment and tackling a new language.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Present Tense Verbs:

  • spielen (to play): ich spiele, du spielst, er/sie/es spielt, wir spielen, ihr spielt, sie/Sie spielen
  • laufen (to run): ich laufe, du läufst, er/sie/es läuft, wir laufen, ihr lauft, sie/Sie laufen

Personal Pronouns:

  • ich (I), du (you – singular informal), er (he), sie (she), es (it)
  • wir (we), ihr (you – plural informal), sie (they), Sie (you – formal)

Meeting the Coach and Teammates

Alex’s first interactions at the club are crucial for establishing relationships. He learns the importance of formal and informal greetings in German, applying phrases such as „Guten Morgen“ (Good morning) and „Willkommen“ (Welcome). This section highlights the dynamics of team camaraderie and the role of language in building connections.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Formal and Informal Greetings:

  • Guten Morgen (Good morning), Willkommen (Welcome)

Training Session

During the training session, Alex is exposed to commands and football-related vocabulary. He learns and responds to commands like „Lauf!“ (Run!) and „Spring!“ (Jump!), and uses verbs such as „machen“ (to do) and „spielen“ (to play) in the present tense, relevant to his training activities.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Commands and Sports-related Verbs:

  • Lauf! (Run!), Spring! (Jump!)
  • machen (to do): ich mache, du machst, er/sie/es macht, wir machen, ihr macht, sie/Sie machen

Lunch with Teammates

Lunchtime is an informal setting where Alex engages in simple conversations about life and football. He uses phrases expressing likes and dislikes („Ich mag…“, „Ich mag nicht…“) and learns food-related vocabulary, enhancing his conversational skills in a casual context.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Expressing Likes and Dislikes, Food Vocabulary:

  • Ich mag… (I like…), Ich mag nicht… (I don’t like…)
  • Brot (bread), Käse (cheese)

Learning Through Interaction

Interacting with team staff and players, Alex improves his conversational skills in German. He practices asking and answering questions with phrases like „Was?“ (What?) and „Wer?“ (Who?), essential for day-to-day communication in his new environment.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Asking and Answering Questions:

  • Was? (What?), Wer? (Who?)

A Tour of the Club Facilities

A tour of the club facilities, including the stadium, introduces Alex to vocabulary related to places like „Stadion“ (stadium) and „Umkleideraum“ (locker room). He also learns adjectives describing locations and facilities, such as „groß“ (big) and „klein“ (small).

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Places and Adjectives:

  • Stadion (stadium), Umkleideraum (locker room)
  • groß (big), klein (small)

Exercises and Practice

The chapter concludes with exercises and dialogues focusing on the day’s vocabulary and grammar. These activities are designed to reinforce the language concepts introduced in the chapter, providing practical application for the reader.

  1. Verb Conjugation:
    • Conjugate „spielen“ and „laufen“ with different pronouns: ich spiele, du läufst, etc.
  2. Using Pronouns in Context:
    • Create sentences with personal pronouns: „Ich bin Alex. Du bist Lukas.“
  3. Greetings and Introductions:
    • Practice formal greetings: “Guten Morgen, Herr Müller. Willkommen im Team!”
  4. Commands in Action:
    • Respond to commands: If someone says „Lauf!“, reply with „Ich laufe!“
  5. Likes, Dislikes, and Food Items:
    • Express your preferences: „Ich mag Brot, aber ich mag nicht Käse.“
  6. Question Formation:
    • Form and answer simple questions: „Was machst du? Ich spiele Fußball.“
  7. Describing Places:
    • Describe the club’s facilities using adjectives: „Das Stadion ist groß.“


The chapter wraps up with Alex reflecting on his productive day, both in terms of football training and language learning. It sets the stage for his continued journey in integrating into the football club and improving his German language skills.

Detailed Section: Meeting the Coach and Teammates Greetings and Introductions

Alex’s first day at Frankfurt United is marked by key introductions with his coach, Herr Müller, and his new teammates. He navigates these interactions using formal greetings and introduces himself, setting the tone for his integration into the team.

Grammar Focus: Formal Greetings, Personal Pronouns

Dialogue for Practice:

  • Herr Müller: “Guten Morgen, Alex. Willkommen im Team!” (Good morning, Alex. Welcome to the team!)
  • Alex: “Guten Morgen, Herr Müller. Danke, ich freue mich, hier zu sein.” (Good morning, Mr. Müller. Thank you, I’m happy to be here.)

Simple Conversations with Teammates

Alex’s conversations with his teammates, like Lukas, showcase his growing confidence in using basic German phrases. These interactions are crucial for building rapport and practicing his language skills in a real-world setting.

Grammar Focus: Personal Pronouns, Common Phrases

Dialogue for Practice:

  • Lukas: “Wie geht es dir?” (How are you?)
  • Alex: “Mir geht es gut, danke. Und dir?” (I’m fine, thank you. And you?)
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