A Beginner’s Guide to German Through Football:“A Day with a Teammate (A1/4)“

A Beginner’s Guide to German Through Football:“A Day with a Teammate (A1/4)“

Alex plans an eventful day with his teammate Jonas, a perfect opportunity to practice German in a relaxed, friendly setting. This chapter introduces regular and irregular verbs such as „gehen“ (to go) and „sein“ (to be), along with the concept of negation using „nicht“ (not) and „kein“ (no). The day’s activities provide a real-world context for these grammatical structures, making learning more relevant and engaging.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Regular and Irregular Verbs:

  • gehen (to go): ich gehe, du gehst, er/sie/es geht, wir gehen, ihr geht, sie/Sie gehen
  • sein (to be): ich bin, du bist, er/sie/es ist, wir sind, ihr seid, sie/Sie sind


  • nicht (not)
  • kein (no, not a/an for negating nouns)

Morning Training Session

The training session is filled with action and language learning. Alex uses sports-related verbs like „laufen“ (to run) and „schießen“ (to shoot), and practices the simple past tense, reflecting on the activities.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Sports-related Verbs:

  • laufen (to run): ich laufe, du läufst, er/sie/es läuft, wir laufen, ihr lauft, sie/Sie laufen
  • schießen (to shoot): ich schieße, du schießt, er/sie/es schießt, wir schießen, ihr schießt, sie/Sie schießen

Simple Past Tense:

  • Example: „Wir liefen“ (We ran), „Wir schossen“ (We shot)

Lunch at a Local Bistro

Over lunch, Alex and Jonas discuss their favorite foods and hobbies. This conversation introduces food-related vocabulary such as „der Salat“ (the salad) and „die Pizza“, and expressions for likes and dislikes like „ich mag“ (I like) and „ich mag nicht“ (I don’t like).

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Adjectives for Description:

  • schön (beautiful), interessant (interesting)

Question Words:

  • wo (where), was (what)

Exploring the City Center

Walking through the city center, Alex describes places and people using adjectives like „schön“ (beautiful) and „interessant“ (interesting), and practices question words such as „wo“ (where) and „was“ (what).

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Adjectives for Description:

  • schön (beautiful), interessant (interesting)

Question Words:

  • wo (where), was (what)

Visiting a Museum

At the museum, Alex learns vocabulary related to art and history, such as „das Gemälde“ (the painting) and „die Skulptur“ (the sculpture), and revisits past tense verbs in describing historical events and artworks.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Cultural Terms:

  • das Gemälde (the painting), die Skulptur (the sculpture)

Past Tense Verbs for Cultural Context:

  • Example: „Das Gemälde wurde gemalt“ (The painting was painted)

Relaxing at a Café

The day concludes at a café, where Alex and Jonas reflect on their experiences. This setting provides a chance to practice everyday conversation phrases and verb conjugations in a casual context.

Grammar and Vocabulary:

Everyday Conversation Phrases:

  • Wie war dein Tag? (How was your day?)

Verb Conjugations:

  • ich gehe (I go), du gehst (you go)

Exercises and Practice

  1. Verb Conjugation Exercises:
    • Practice forming sentences with regular and irregular verbs. For example, „Ich gehe ins Kino“ (I am going to the cinema), „Er ist mein Freund“ (He is my friend).
  2. Dialogue Building:
    • Create conversations based on the day’s activities. For example, a dialogue in the café discussing what they like: „Magst du Kaffee?“ (Do you like coffee?), „Ja, ich mag Kaffee sehr.“ (Yes, I like coffee a lot).
  3. Negation Practice:
    • Use „nicht“ and „kein“ in sentences. For example, „Ich habe kein Geld“ (I have no money), „Das ist nicht mein Buch“ (That is not my book).


Summing up the day’s experiences, Alex appreciates how his German has improved through simple daily interactions. The chapter emphasizes that language learning can be a natural part of everyday life, especially when shared with friends.

Detailed Section: Morning Training Session Using Sports Verbs in German

During training, Alex learns verbs like „schießen“ (to shoot) and „fangen“ (to catch), applying them in context. The coach’s commands like „Alex, schieß den Ball!“ (Alex, shoot the ball!) provide a practical understanding of the imperative form.

Grammar Focus: Sports-related Verbs, Imperative Form

Dialogue for Practice:

  • Coach: “Alex, schieß den Ball!” (Alex, shoot the ball!)
  • Alex: “Ja, Coach!” (Yes, Coach!)

Reflecting on Training

Post-training, Alex and Jonas discuss the session using past tense verbs and expressions of opinion. Phrases like „Heute haben wir viel gelaufen“ (Today we ran a lot) and „das Schießen war schwer, aber ich mag es“ (shooting was hard, but I like it) demonstrate their progress.

Grammar Focus: Past Tense, Expressing Opinions

Dialogue for Practice:

  • Jonas: “Heute sind wir viel gelaufen.”
    (We ran a lot today.)
  • Alex: “Ja, und das Schießen war schwer, aber ich mag es.” (Yes, and shooting was hard, but I like it.)
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